Wednesday, January 21, 2004

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Today was great. I had a fantastic lunch with F_. He and I always have great thinking discussions and I get to twist my mind around new concepts and explore things. F_ is very logical and has a very patient way of explaining things. He is a great guy and I really enjoy my lunches with him.
Today we were talking about sibling rivalry and mentoring, how we relate to our siblings and how we can positively influence them with well chosen words and ideas. As my younger siblings are possibly reading this I will mention that I always have their best in mind when I do this.
Often my comments to them are born from frustration at seeing them heading towards the same pitfalls that I have been through and I long to assist them to skip that chapter of their life and get to the good bits!

Sometimes however we seem to need the pain of the problem to grow past it. Growing is painful because it involves expanding our comfort circle. I like to think of it as an ever expanding ripple, the bigger we grow (that is the more pain we experience and learn from) the more we can influence and help other people, and that was the second thing we talked about which is the gifts for ministries that God has given us and how we can help the church with the passion we bring to that ministry.

So today was good. The kids were great tonight after we sorted out a few minor discipline issues. We have all decided that this house will not tolerate "drainos" or people who are winging, negative and sucking the life from others. Rather we will look to the positive and accentuate that. Be happy in all circumstances!

So - "Have a great day and make it great for someone else" as my great mate Glen always says.

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