Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Well I Am Home.

I forgot how demanding having a family was. It was so relaxing in the hospital, the midwives so helpful also.
As you can all see, hubby has blogged for me so you all know about it. Perhaps when I get the initiative I shall write up the birth story in my words. I still remember it all clearly, and differently from hubby, but then I was seeing/feeling it from a different perspective.


How to explain to a guy what it feels like when the head is crowning - try to pee a golfball!


Dinner Menu
frozen pre-made lasagne and bolognaise with simple salad

Menu Plan For Following Days
Frozen pre-made meals or simple no fuss dinners (i.e. Put it on a tray, bung it in the oven and let it do it's job)


Mercedes Update

Sleeping on the lounge floor in her port-a-crib.

6lb 5.5oz (for those who do not know kgs and grams)

Current Nicknames - Miss Mercy, Sadie, Merc