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Sunday, August 22, 2004


Side Show Alley 11 August 2004

I jostle slowly through the bustling crowd. I can feel the carnival atmosphere. Every sense is alerted. Late at night it is still pleasant in T shirt and shorts. Lights; people everywhere; little stalls with souvenirs of wood, clay, plastic; vendors selling hotdogs, ice creams, shouting out to be heard above the din. Small restaurants lined side by side, each belting out different tunes from crackling speakers turned up just too much for their system to handle. Smell the popcorn, listen to the whirring of the fairy floss machines, the crying of a spoiled child trying to get his way and the shouting of the frustrated parent wondering why you bring children on holidays. Taste a kebab (shaooma) with juices so succulent I consider sleeping through dinner every night. Welcome to Alushta, my home for the next 10 days. I think I can handle it.

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