Sunday, July 11, 2004


Church Vs Family

What comes first - your church or your family? No brainer for me - family every time.
Today we headed off to mother-in-law's place again to catch up with the rellies before they headed off back home (several hours drive away). We looked at the photos and video from Saturday night.
I then spent the afternoon and evening rebuilding her PC.
Back to the question. I think it is easy for us to blur the line between priorities, and this can cause problems when talking to people who are not regular church goers. They vecome unsure of what we are tryng to do, and cannot relate to how they could possible see them selves going to church on a Sunday. Many people use Sunday as the day to relax after a hard week and catch up with family. How can we then relate to these people and invite them to church, knowing they are going to refuse straight off the bat?
I think this is where the home group, missional approach is excellent. It is non threatening, doesn't interrupt their weekend, and allows for relationship building with the option to approach "religious" topics.
How do you approach this problem and what comes first, church or family?

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