Thursday, July 08, 2004


Optimism vs Pessimism

A very thought provoking article from Orson Scott Card.
This is from a writer whose books I have enjoyed for more than just the fiction they contain, but also for the powerful concepts explored in them.
This article explores the dangers of false optimism, and the actions that a pessimist would take in order to preserve the liberty of optimists.
I like the way Card draws his conclusions regarding the use of oil in todays society. He is obliquely discussing the concept of peak oil (Google it for some interesting reads).
Ask yourself this, is there something in your house that did not require the use of oil either in its construction or transportation to your house. Think carefully. I could think of nothing in my entire house that did not rely on oil in some way.
Let me know if you can think of anything.
Thanks to Russ for the link.

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