Tuesday, February 17, 2004

The Register reports on Microsoft's "buggy" software
Flaw on Tuesday, exploit by Monday
By John Leyden

I am all for full exposure (like Janet and Justin) of microsoft's security holes, and also appreciate the full discolsure approach by a lot of hackers. These guys largely do us all a great service by finding ways to make software more user friendl and secure. Obviously there are the odd rogues that create malware with negative payloads, but the bulk of them are doing great things.

A lot of them are even employed by big firms including Microsoft to help make networks and software more secure.
Ethical Hacking Certification
The Whir

Viruses being written now such as mydoom are exposing the holes in the system and and the reliance on large numbers of people on a buggy operating system - Microsoft. When are they going to get it right? Some of their source code was leaked the other day. They need to make the whole thing available so that the open source community can get in there and secure it. I run Debian linux servers because they are far more secure and stable than Microsoft. Most attacks on the internet are aimed at Microsoft server software. Microsoft doesn't even use its own software for hotmail ecause it isn't stable enough.

So why should they keep make us pay for it. I counted up yesterday the number of legit copies of MS Windows and variants that I own.
Dos 3.3 - 1
Dos 5.0 - 1
Windows 3.11 - 1
Windows 95 - 2
Windows 98 - 1
Windows 98 se -2
Windows XP Pro - 1

I have 4 pcs running XP.

Yet I only use the latest one - and I actually use a XPPRO sp1 cd because the original XP Pro was so buggy they created an 113MB patch!
We are paying money for what? Big glitzy advertising and legal fees fighting lawsuits. Come on Microsoft. Make an effort to make your software secure and stable. Give it to the open source community.

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